Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Top 5 Phrases In India

5. Which country, madam?: I get this one a lot. Not "where are you from?" but "which country, madam?" "Which country what?" is what I want to say sometimes. Which country am I from? Which country am I currently in? Which country do I wish were in (see answer to Question 1)? Which country has the oldest flag (it's Denmark, FYI)? I'm tempted to ask the inquirer "which country do you think I'm from?" but then figure it's not worth it. I respond with a quick "United States" and if they ask "which state, madam?", I give them "South Carolina... it's near Florida... don't worry about it."
4. Tika chay/acha (spelling is approximate): no explanation necessary. [head nod]
3. You will take this/you will like this, madam: People here seem pretty sure about what I will and will not like. If I go to a restaurant with a sandwich counter, there really is no need to even look at the options. The young man behind the counter will invariably tell me which one I will like the best (which is the one I will also "take"). It's good to know people are in tune with my likes and dislikes.
2. Are we serious?: One of my personal favorites, this one comes straight from my roommate. In situations of ridiculousness (which crop up daily), her response is often "are we serious?" Example: two very large men are nestled in the back of an autorickshaw. The two of us walk up to the driver, see that there is no room for one in the back, and start to walk away. The driver grabs us and points for one of us to sit in the front with him and for the other to sit in the back. My roommate, as she glances incredulously towards the backseat, "are we serious?"
AND... the number one phrase...
1. Why not?!: Ahh, "why not." This has quickly become the best catch-all phrase a girl could ask for. Ask me anything and I will satisfy your inquiry with a hearty "why not?" The best part comes when you stop and think about exactly "why not." Example: I need to put my glass in the sink, but someone else is washing their vegetables and there isn't room to squeeze past.
Me: Sneha, can I put my glass in the sink really quickly?
Sneha: Why not?
"Well," I think, "I guess there really isn't a reason why you shouldn't move. Why not, indeed."
Gotta love it.

1 comment:

  1. It's funny how everyone in the world knows where Florida is...I used to tell people the exact same thing!

    And you will like this: I miss you and love you! I really wish you were here :(
