Monday, April 13, 2009

Top 5 Reasons to Embrace the Heat

Seeing as it is excessively hot here, I propose the following reasons as to why heat is actually a good thing...
5. Your laundry dries remarkably fast.
4. You don't have to wait for the water heater to warm up because you just want to stand under a stream of cold water. Unfortunately, since the water sits in hot pipes all day long, it is often quite warm.
3. If you're into bikram yoga or pilates ("hot" yoga/pilates), you don't need to go to a special studio to get a work out. Just turn the fans off, pop in the DVD, and voila... instant sweat. On second thought, you could probably just practice "bikram" by itself; just sitting still in our living room can cause your body to produce massive amounts of perspiration.
2. (from my ingenious roommate) The chocolate chips in your baked goods always stay gooey because it's 5,000 degrees outside. Everything tastes like it just came out of the oven.
AND... the number one reason why we should embrace the heat...
1. Monday suddenly becomes EXTREMELY appealing. After a weekend spent in a virtual sauna, you cannot wait to return to your cool (chilly, even), air-conditioned office. I literally pop out of bed on Mondays and think "YES!" We dread Fridays, however, as the end of the week signals 48+ hours of perspiration and minimal A/C. I really do enjoy my job as it is, but with the added bonus of air conditioning, work just became my new favorite hobby.